South African Medical Tax Credit Rates 2013 to 2021 tax year

The Medical Scheme Fees Tax Credit Medical Scheme Fees Tax Credit (MTC) was introduced from 1 March 2012 (the 2013 tax year) but didn’t affect all categories of taxpayers at once. There are two different start dates depending on the age of the taxpayer:
  • Taxpayers younger than 65 converted to the Medical Tax Credit from 1 March 2012
  • Taxpayers 65 and older converted to the Medical Tax Credit from 1 March 2014

Medical Tax Credit Rates for the2020 to 2021 tax years – See changes from last year

​Per month (R) ​2021 ​2020 2019
​For the taxpayer; or for a member or dependant of a medical scheme or fund where the taxpayer him- or herself is not a member of a medical scheme or fund ​R319 ​R310 ​R310
​​For the taxpayer and one dependant; or in respect of two dependants where the taxpayer him- or herself is not a member of a medical scheme or fund ​R638 ​R620 ​R620
​​For each additional dependant(s) ​R215 ​R209 ​R209

Medical Tax Credit Rates for the2013 to 2018 tax years

​Per month (R) ​2018 2017​​ ​2016 ​2015 2014​​ ​2013​
​For the taxpayer who paid the medical scheme contributions ​R303 ​R286 R270 ​R257 ​R242 ​R230
​For the first dependant ​R303 ​R286 ​R270 ​R257 ​R242 ​R230
​For each additional dependant(s) ​R204 ​R192 ​R181 R​172 ​R162 ​R154
Important: Theamounts may vary depending on the number of months in the tax year that a taxpayer and dependants are members of a medical scheme or fund.