South African Income Tax Tables 2012

Income Tax Tables 2012

1 March 2011 – 28 February 2012

Taxable Income Tax Rate
R 0 – R 150 000 18%
R 150 001 – R 235 000 R 27 000 + (25% of amount above R 150 000)
R 235 001 – R 325 000 R 48 250 + (30% of amount above R 235 000)
R 325 001 – R 455 000 R 75 250 + (35% of amount above R 325 000)
R 455 001 – R 580 000 R 120 750 + (38% of amount above R 455 000)
R 580 001 and above R 168 250 + (40% of amount above R 580 000)
Primary Rebate R 10 755
Secondary Rebate (Persons 65 and older) R 6 012
Tertiary Rebate (Persons 75 and older) R 2 000

Car Allowance Fixed Cost

Value of Vehicle Fixed Cost Fuel Cost Maintenance Cost
0 – 60 000 19 492 64.6 26.4
60 001 – 120 000 38 726 68.0 29.2
120 001 – 180 000 52 594 71.3 31.9
180 001 – 240 000 66 440 77.7 35.0
240 001 – 300 000 79 185 87.0 44.7
300 001 – 360 000 91 873 93.9 54.2
360 001 – 420 000 105 809 100.9 65.8
420 001 – 480 000 119 683 113.1 67.6
exceeding 480 000 119 683 113.1 67.6