The South African Budget 2014 was presented to Parliament by The Finance Minister Mr Pravin Gordhan on 26 February 2014 at 2pm. He presented the 2014 Budget under the theme “Check Against Delivery”.
“A new budget means new taxation laws, I will burn the candle nights for you to deliver seamless analysis, tax guides commentaries, the who is who in the tax fratenity will help us demystify the budget, tax planning opportunities will also be expounded and many many more……..” Nyasha Musviba.
Budget 2016 Downloads:
Errata to Budget Documents 2016
Budget 2014 Downloads:
- Budget Speech 2014 (442kb)
- PWC Budget Comments 2014
- PWC Budget Speech Summary 2014
- PWC Pocket Tax Guide 2014
Grant Thorton
Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyer
National Treasury
- National Budget Speech
- Estimates of National Expenditure (Printed version)
- Estimates of National Expenditure (Detailed information per vote)
- Appropriation Bill
- National Budget Review
- Division of Revenue Bill
- National Treasury Budget Highlights (1,2mb)
- People’s Guide to the Budget : Afrikaans (8.2MB)
- People’s Guide to the Budget : English (8.5MB)
- People’s Guide to the Budget : Setswana (8.1MB)
- People’s Guide to the Budget : Xhosa (8.4MB)
- People’s Guide to the Budget : Zulu (7.4MB)
- Tax Pocket Guide 2014 (157kb)
- Jobs Fund creates employment through innovation (1.8MB)
- Neighbourhood Development Partnership Programme (1.7MB)
BUDGET 2014 News Commentaries:
Budget 2014: We have heard your pleas, says Gordhan
Budget 2014: Increase in bursary funds may avert more student protests
Budget 2014: Carbon tax delayed, fracking favoured in Gordhan’s Budget
Budget 2014: ‘Disappointing’ Budget leaves little room for health boost
Budget 2014: Eskom, Transnet, Sanral expected to spend R382bn
Budget 2014: Pravin Gordhan tells South Africans to ‘seize opportunities’ in Africa
Budget 2014: 10 things worth knowing
Budget 2014: National Development Plan: The proof is in the budget
Budget 2014: National Development Plan: The proof is in the budget
Budget 2014: Relief for taxpayers
Budget 2014: Taxed for your sins
Budget 2014: Budget in a nutshell