What you should know about medical tax credits

Ingé Lamprecht   More changes to be introduced from 1 March. JOHANNESBURG – Over the past two years, the tax benefits individuals enjoy for medical aid contributions and expenses, have gradually changed from a deduction to a tax credit system. While the deductions for medical aid contributions have already been replaced with a medical credit system for most taxpayer categories, deductions for qualifying medical expenses will also be replaced with a credit system from March 1 this year.

Amendments to the Tax Administration Act 2013

Author: Beric Croome (ENS)  The Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill, No. 40 of 2013 was introduced in Parliament on 24 October 2013. The President of the Republic of South Africa must still assent to the Bill and it must then be published in the Government Gazette before it becomes an Act. The Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill (“TALAB”) contains various amendments of an administrative nature to various tax Acts administered by the Commissioner: South African Revenue Service. In this article it is not possible to deal with all of the amendments contained in the Bill and only the more important changes to the Tax Administration Act, No. 28 of 2011 will be dealt with.

Employee Tax – Employment tax incentive

The Employment Tax Incentive Act, 2013 (the ETIA) was published in the Gazette on 18 December 2013 and gives effect to the proposals to subsidise the cost of hiring younger workers as first announced by Government in 2010. According to the Media Statement on the Draft Employment Tax Incentive Bill, this new incentive is aimed at encouraging employers to hire young and less experienced work seekers, as stated in the National Development Plan. The ETIA represents the first phase of the incentive and after a review of the effectiveness of the incentive, a second phase which could include additional policy features and possible refinement may be implemented after two years. In this article we discuss the legislative provisions of the first phase of the employment tax incentive.

Youth Wage Subsidy Comes into Effect Youth Wage Subsidy Comes into Effect

The Employment Tax Incentive Act, commonly known as the youth wage subsidy, came into effect at midnight, SABC news reported on Wednesday. The government hopes the law will promote employment for young people and create jobs in special economic zones once legislation providing for them has been promulgated. In terms of the act, employers will receive a tax incentive to employ young workers for a maximum of two years under certain conditions

Employment Tax Bill is signed into law

The long-awaited Employment Tax Incentive Bill, to create jobs and provide relevant skills for young, unemployed South Africans has been signed into law. Employers will receive a tax incentive to employ young workers in special economic zones for a maximum of two years, under certain conditions. The law takes effect on January 1. Employers will be able to claim the incentive on a sliding scale for any employee between 18 and 29 who was hired on or after October 1 this year and is receiving a monthly salary that is above the relevant minimum wage and less than R6000 a month.

VAT Registration of Foreign e-commerce Suppliers

National Treasury released a tax bill in October 2013, following the Budget Speech in February and draft tax legislation on 4 July 2013, proposing changes to the VAT Act to require VAT registration of certain local and foreign suppliers of electronic services where consumption takes place in South Africa. In terms of the tax bill, local and foreign suppliers of electronic services will be required to register for VAT purposes where the services are supplied from a place in an export country and where a SA resident receives these services.

Ngoepe appointed as new tax ombudsman

 By Chantelle Benjamin Retired Judge Bernard Ngoepe said during his appointment as SA’s new tax ombudsmad that he would like to create confidence with the public.   Judge Bernard Ngoepe. (M&G) Newly appointed tax ombudsman retired Judge Bernard Ngoepe said on Thursday that his biggest challenge will be creating confidence in the newly established office so the public feel they have someone to assist them with their grievances against the South African Revenue Service (Sars).

Render unto Caesar – Harsh Tax Penalties Reviewed

JOHANNESBURG – Taxpayers who accidentally reduce their tax liability due to a reasonable mistake without any intent to defraud the Taxman, won’t be subjected to harsh understatement penalties in future. The Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill was introduced in the National Assembly last week and revises regulations to such an extent that the South African Revenue Service (Sars) won’t impose penalties in cases where the understatement by the taxpayer “results from a bona fide inadvertent error”. This follows criticism from tax practitioners and taxpayers on the harsh penalties previously imposed even where taxpayers had no intention of deceiving Sars.

Experts Welcome Revised Definition Of Incentives In Tax Bill

Author: Amanda Visser (Business Day) Proposed changes to the definition of the research and development tax incentives have been toned down or not included in the Taxation Laws Amendment Bill that was tabled in Parliament at the end of last month. Tax experts widely welcomed the revised approach by the Treasury from the initial draft version that was released in July. The previous definition would have excluded all research and development that did not qualify as “world-beating”.

Youth Wage Subsidy Bill Passed

Parliament adopted the employment tax incentive bill on Thursday as the Treasury prevailed in its three-year battle with trade union movement Cosatu over a youth wage subsidy.Although all opposition parties voted in favour of the bill, they said the standoff had watered it down, let down job-seekers and undermined the National Education Development and Labour Council (Nedlac).