Davis Tax Commitee Call for comment: Proposed Carbon Tax

taxation6Author: The Davis Tax Committee

The Davis Tax Committee (DTC) has acceded to requests by a number of stakeholders to review the scope and design of the proposed carbon tax as part of its review of the South African tax system as a whole.

The Minister of Finance announced in his 2015 Budget Speech that a draft carbon tax bill is expected to be published for public comment during the course of 2015. This will be a culmination of discussion papers released by the National Treasury for comments in 2010, 2013 and 2014. These papers and further information on the carbon tax are available from the National Treasury.

SAIT will be making a submission to the DTC. Kindly submit all comments to taxassist@thesait.org.za by no later than 5 May 2015.

Please see below the media statement from the DTC.

Or click: 20150407 Davis Tax Committee Media Statement – Call for comments on proposed carbon tax


The Davis Tax Committee (DTC) has acceded to requests by a number of stakeholders to review the scope and design of the proposed carbon tax as part of its review of the South African tax system as a whole.
The Minister of Finance announced in his 2015 Budget Speech that a draft carbon tax bill is expected to be published for public comment during the course of 2015. This will be a culmination of discussion papers released by the National Treasury for comments in 2010, 2013 and 2014. These papers and further information on the carbon tax are available from the National Treasury.
Though not specifically listed in the Terms of Reference of the DTC, there is sufficient scope within the broader mandate of the Committee to review the proposed carbon tax. It is clear that a carbon tax can play a role in achieving the transition to a low carbon economy and South Africa’s commitment to help in the international efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as reflected in the National Climate Change Response White Paper (2011) and the National Development Plan (NDP). These commitments and aspirations should also take into account any possible negative economic and social impacts of the carbon tax over the short-term and hence the need for a smooth and gradual transition toward a low carbon economy.

As part of the review, the DTC is hereby inviting public comments on the scope and design of the proposed carbon tax by 08 May 2015. Comments can be sent via e-mail to taxcom@sars.gov.za or by post to PO Box 2344, Brooklyn Square, Pretoria, 0075.